Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sister Englehart - One of those who was "with me" . . .

This morning for my scripture study, I was reading about prayer. I came upon this beautiful passage from Psalm 55:

"As for me, I will call upon God; and the Lord shall save me. Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud; and he shall hear my voice. He hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me: for there were many with me."

As members of the Mormon Church we believe that we are all children of God, hence we are brothers and sisters. This is why Latter-day Saints refer to fellow members "Brother" or "Sister" rather than Mr. or Mrs. When trials are upon us we are there for one another.

I do not know if Sister Englehart was widowed or divorced at the time of our parents death, but I do remember she lived with her teenage son in a small home on the western end of town. She was a member of our small congregation. Some how things were arranged for her to take care of us immediately following the death of our parents. As a true disciple of Christ, Sister Englehart was there the very instant we needed her. I remember her tenderness during those difficult days as well as her boldness as she took a strong stand and turned away the RCMP when she felt a need to protect Dennis.

I am not sure how long we were with Sister Englehart but I sense it was at least a couple of weeks. She moved away before I was old enough to know her well. I am grateful for her. I hope she knows that. While I cannot remember her face, I remember her love. She was the first of many who saw me through difficult days. I don't imagine I had said my prayers before going to bed until that first night with Sister Englehart.

Ready for church - This was taken soon after our parents death before we were with our grandparents. We are in Sister Englehart's yard south of the house. Dean is in front, behind him David,. I am in the center with Dennis is on my left.

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